Forms of academic mobility for those receiving the scientific degree of D.Sc., scientific and pedagogical workers and other members of the educational process are: participation in joint projects; teaching; scientific research; scientific traineeship; advanced training. Scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions (scientific institutions) implement the right to academic mobility by carrying out professional activities. Those are possible in accordance with the signed agreements on participation in the academic mobility program. At the same time, these workers retain the main place of work in a domestic higher educational institution (scientific institution) for up to one year. Foreign scientific, pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions (scientific institutions) are also involved in the educational and scientific process at Igor Sikorsky KPI in accordance with previously signed cooperation agreements. Information data and support, consultation, and organizational support for academic mobility provide: – for scientific and pedagogical workers and other members of the educational process as applied to undergoing a scientific internship, participation in joint projects, conducting scientific research and advanced training with the scientific component – Science Innovation Research Development; – for scientific and pedagogical staff and administrative staff as applied to teaching, advanced training, and participation in joint projects in partner organizations – International Collaboration Department.